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We're currently hard at work implementing Battle for Azeroth’s pet battle content, and we'd like to start talking about some of the changes you’ll be seeing in the Beta.


Pet Battle World Quests will soon begin showing up on both of the new continents. Similar to Legion, they will count towards your zone’s emissary, but this time around, the level of the pets opposing you will scale to the highest level pet on your team. This will allow a player with a team of only level 1 pets to take on the World Quest and get some battle pet experience. Please give them a shot with pets of all levels, and let us know how that goes for you.


We will be introducing a new currency in Battle for Azeroth that can be used to purchase a variety of things, so there's no need to hold on to those Pet Charms that are burning a hole in your pocket.


Several new pet battle mechanics are neting to Battle for Azeroth. Some of these will appear on enemy pets, and some on yours. A few examples include:


•  A powerful spell that summons a random Weather effect

•  一种强力的法术召唤随机的天气效果。

•  Several additions to suite of Heals that will have increased effects based on your pet’s health

•  根据你宠物的血量,宠物的治疗将会有额外增加效果。

•  Aura effects that heal your pet (or damage the enemy pet) based on the last hit dealt

•  治疗你宠物(或者对你的敌人造成伤害)的光环效果将取决于最后的一击的伤害。

In addition to new pets and abilities, we’re making a few targeted changes to a few pets and abilities that are seen frequently:


•  Bone Serpent: swapped positions of Call Darkness and Lift-Off

•  骨蛇:交换了召唤黑暗和离地升空的位置。

•  Crow and Gilnean Raven: -200 power, +200 speed

•  乌鸦和吉尔尼斯渡鸦:-200力量,+200速度。

•   Cyclone: damage changed from 7 to 3-7

•  台风:伤害从7变成3-7

•   Haunt: returns the pet at 50% health when sacrificed instead of 100%.

•  鬼影缠身:效果结束后返还宠物50%的生命,而不是100%

•  Teroclaw Hatchling: Dodge and Nature's Ward now occupy the same tier (as do Hawk Eye and Ravager Hatchling).

•  恐爪鸟幼崽:躲闪和自然守护在同一列(鹰眼和毁灭在同一列。)

Please feel free to let us know how the changes play for you.


Thank you!




will current pet upgrade tokens still work on BFA pets?




So i can just level pets in Elwynn Forest now?


To clarify, the trainers you will battle for Battle for Azeroth World Quests will scale to the level of the highest level pet on your current pet team, allowing you to netplete the World Quest with low-level pets.


While we may expand this system to other trainers and battles (a few already use it, like Crysa), we don't plan to expand it to wild pets at this time.



No plans currently to expand the cap, are you finding that you're out of pet space?


We're looking into the difficulty of getting the 1500 pets item in a BfA world.
