游戏之家 > 游戏库

金融帝国2 脚本自定义开局修改方法 怎么自定义开局

金融帝国2 脚本自定义开局修改方法 怎么自定义开局

脚本在C:Users你的用户名Documentsmy gamesCapitalism LabScript





Description=This is a sample script









Research and Development=0


Raw Material Production=0






Product Expertise=Automobile, 100

//专业领域,可以是Apparel 服装, Automobile 汽车, Beverage 饮料等等,后面的值可以是0-100。产品的具体类别可以在游戏里按P查看。


Number of Cities=4

// Number of Cities=<1 to 10>

// You will be able to create a game with a maximum of 10 cities using a game script.


Your Start-up Capital=Very High

// Your Start-up Capital=

//初始资金,可以是Very Low 非常低, Low 低, Moderate 普通, High 高, Very High 非常高

Random Events=Occasional

// Random Events=

//随机事件,可以是Never 从不, Seldom 很少, Occasional 偶尔, Frequent 频繁

Game Starting Year=1990

// Game Starting Year=<1900 to 2100>

// You may set the game starting year to any year between 1900 and 2100.


Retail Store Type=Many

// Retail Store Type=

//零售店类型,可以是One 只有一种, Many 多种

Technology Disruption=On

// Technology Disruption=


Stock Market=Yes

// Stock Market=


Alternative Stock Sim=No

// Alternative Stock Sim=


Macro Economy Realism=High

// Macro Economy Realism=



// Inflation=

//通货膨胀,可以是Off 关闭, On 开启, Inverse 反转

Inflation Strength=Normal

// Inflation Strength=

//通货膨胀强度,可以是Normal 一般, Reduced 减弱

Number of AI Persons=63

// Number of AI Persons=

// This is the total number of AI persons in a game. You may customize it using the above line, allowing you to create a game with more persons

// than a standard game. Please note that the game requires the number of AI persons to be at least equal to the number of netpetitors + 8.

// If you set it lower than this value, the game will automatically reset it to the minimum allowed value.



Number of Competitors=30

// Number of Competitors=<1 to 30>

// You may set the number of netpetitors to any number between 1 and 30.


Competitor Start-up Capital=Moderate

// Competitor Start-up Capital=

//竞争对手初始资金,可以是Very Low 非常低, Low 低, Moderate 普通, High 高, Very High 非常高

Competitor Aggressiveness=Moderate

// Competitor Aggressiveness=

//竞争对手侵略性,可以是Very Low 非常低, Low 低, Moderate 普通, High 高, Very High 非常高

Competitor Expertise Level=Moderate

// Competitor Expertise Level=

//竞争对手专业等级,可以是Very Low 非常低, Low 低, Moderate 普通, High 高, Very High 非常高

Show Competitor Trade Secrets=Yes

// Show Competitor Trade Secrets=


AI Friendly Merger=On

// AI Friendly Merger=


Competence of Local Competitors=Moderate

// Competence of Local Competitors=

//本地商品质量,可以是Very Low 非常低, Low 低, Moderate 普通, High 高, Very High 非常高。这个值决定了游戏的难度

// You may set the business focuses of the AI netpanies using the following script lines:

// (The total number of netpetitors defined here should not exceed the number in the Number of Competitors line.)


Retail Focused Companies=5

Stock Focused Companies=2

Real Estate Focused Companies=5

Tech Focused Companies=2

Media Focused Companies=2

Diversified Companies=4


// With the above statement, there will be 3 AI netpetitors possessing expertise in Apparel in the beginning of the game.

// AI Product Expertise=,

//可以用例如AI Product Expertise=apparel, 3来定义,游戏开始会有3个专精服装路线的AI公司

// Use this statement to assign a specified type of expertise to AI netpetitors.

// is the expertise product class. For example, “apparel”

// is the number of AI netpetitors possessing this type of expertise.

// Please note that this only applies to AI netpetitors with a diversified business strategy. (e.g. retail focused netpanies and netpanies with other focuses are not affected.)


Consumer Goods Seaports=4

// Consumer Goods Seaports per City=<0-4>


Industrial Goods Seaports=4

// Industrial Goods Seaports per City=<0-4>


// Please note that you may create a game up with no seaport using a game script. But the AI netpanies’ performances will suffer and

// this should only be used if you intend to create a game scenario with such characteristics.


Constant Import Supply=No

// Constant Import Supply=


Import Quality=Moderate

// Import Quality=

//进口质量,可以是Low 低,Moderate 中,High 高。这是影响游戏难度的次要因素,仅次于本地商品质量。



// You may just specify the city name and Capitalism Lab will search it in its city database and use the pre-defined parameters for it if it can be found.





Population Growth Rate=50


Real Wage Rate=35



City=Los Angeles




COO Salary Modifier=100

CTO Salary Modifier=100

CMO Salary Modifier=100


//比如COO Salary Modifier=10,就是coo只拿10%的工资

Tech Cost Modifier=100


Training Effect Modifier=100

