
1、Everybody dies. Some just need a little help。人终有一死,而有些人则需要一点小小的帮助。
2、They never get tired of dying。他们永远不会对死亡感到厌倦。
3、By all means,stand and fight。想尽办法,勇敢战斗。
4、We're gonna need more coffins。我们需要更多棺材。
5、Tough talk for worm food。激烈的言辞只是蛆虫的粮食。

6、Go ahead, scare me。来啊,来试试?
7、Death is a mercy, and I have enough mercy to go around。死亡是一种仁慈,而我有足够的仁慈可以赐给你们。
8、I'll have no trouble killing you, and less trouble killing you again。杀你毫不费劲儿,再杀你一次更不费劲儿。
9、Death at the door? Hmph, no. I am the one who knocks。死亡在敲门?不,敲门的人是我。
10、Some call it magic. I call it good aim。有些人把它叫做魔法,而我把它叫做好靶子。