
1、大法师- (英雄,城镇中心)
- This had better be worth it! 这样做最好值得!
- You require my assistance? 需要我的协助吗?
- What is it now? 现在如何?
- Get on with it! 继续!
- Well? 什么?
- I can hardly wait! 我不能再等了!
- Perfect! 好极了!
- Whatever! 怎样都行!
- Fine! 很好!
- Don''t you have a strategy? 你就不能有点战略吗?
- Your prattle begins to annoy me. 我开始对你的天真感到厌烦了
- You''d best stay clear of me, or I''ll turn you into a mindless sheep! 你最好别碰我,不然我会把你变成一只没大脑的绵羊!
- I don''t waste my magic on just anything! 我不会随便浪费我的魔法的
- [.vs 英雄] For glory! 为了荣誉!
- To battle! 战斗啊!
- For glory! 为了荣誉!
- Nimflorie frostades seda!** (吟唱咒语)

2、山丘之王- (英雄,城镇中心)
- Alright, who wants some? 好吧,谁想来试试
- Aye? 什么?
- Wait ''til you see me in action!* 等待行动指示
- Give me something to do! 让我做点事吧
- Hmmmph! 恩!
- Brilliant! 英明!
- I''m coming through! 我来了!
- Move it! 行动!
- Out of my way! 让开!
- Could you put some bonus points in my drinking skills? 你能给我的喝酒技能升几级吗?
- Any fish and chips shops about here?* 这附近有炸鱼土豆片卖吗?
- I think it''s time for a nippy sweetie!** 我认为该吃点心了。
- What the bloody hell are you playin'' at?* 该死的,你在玩些什么啊?
- There''s nothing more motivatin'' than fightin'' with a bad hangover!* 喝的烂醉然后打仗最爽了!
- Where''s the pub? 酒馆在哪?
- Let''s get PIST! 去喝个痛快吧!
- [.vs 英雄] For Kazmodon!** 为了Kazmodon!
- To arms! 拿起武器!
- Death comes for ye!* 死神来找你了!
- I''ll run em through!* 我来搞定他们!
- Watch this! 看这招!

3、圣骑士- (英雄,城镇中心)
- I live to serve all believers! 我为服务信徒而生!
- What would you ask of me? 您要我做什么?
- I am not afraid! 我没有恐惧!
- Let me face the peril! 让我来面对危险!
- At your call! 为您效劳!
- [驱魔] Strike down upon thee with great vengance and fury! 以复仇的愤怒力量击倒汝!
- As you wish! 随你所愿!
- For honor! 为了荣誉!
- For my people! 为了我的人民!
- It shall be done! 理应如此!
- It''s hammer time! 该抡起锤子了!
- I want to be your sledge hammer! 我愿成为您的巨锤!
- Touch me not, I am chaste! 别碰我,我是纯洁的
- No, is that your final answer? 不,那就是你最后的回答?
- I have bad brethren 我已经有很多兄弟了。
- Is that a sword? Luxury! Is that a horse? Sloth! Is that a helmet? Vanity! 那是剑吗?奢侈!那是马吗?懒惰!那是头盔吗?虚荣!
- [.vs 英雄] In Lightbringer''s name, have at thee! 以光明使者的名义,进攻汝!
- Justice will be served! 公正终将得以伸张
- Defending your name! 捍卫您的名誉!
- Death to the infidels!异端者死


1、[.vs 英雄] In Lightbringer''s name, have at thee! 以光明使者的名义,进攻汝!
2、Justice will be served! 公正终将得以伸张
3、Defending your name! 捍卫您的名誉!
4、 Death to the infidels!异端者死
1、It''s hammer time! 该抡起锤子了!
2、 I want to be your sledge hammer! 我愿成为您的巨锤!
3、 Touch me not, I am chaste! 别碰我,我是纯洁的
4、No, is that your final answer? 不,那就是你最后的回答?
5、I have bad brethren 我已经有很多兄弟了。
6、 Is that a sword? Luxury! Is that a horse? Sloth! Is that a helmet? Vanity! 那是剑吗?奢侈!那是马吗?懒惰!那是头盔吗?虚荣!
1、 [驱魔] Strike down upon thee with great vengance and fury! 以复仇的愤怒力量击倒汝!
2、As you wish! 随你所愿!
3、 For honor! 为了荣誉!
4、 For my people! 为了我的人民!
5、 It shall be done! 理应如此!