游戏之家 > 游戏攻略



1.阿米瑞 Amiri





出生地:Realm of the Mammoth Lords

语录:"Oh, it's you. Stay out from under my feet, or I'll strike you down! Blood for Gorum!!!" ― Amir


Amiri is a tough barbarian woman from distant northern lands. She's secretive and sometimes rude, besides she just hates to tell about her past. But I can see that her heart is in the right place. And I'm not talking about her chest! What I'm trying to say is that Amiri is a decent and trustworthy member of our group.


Far to the north lies the deep-frozen Realm of the Mammoth Lords — the homeland of primordial megafauna and equally primordial nomads. The people who live there are savages even by the standards of other barbarian tribes — life in this harsh climate leaves little place for anything beyond survival. Unlike Numeria, where women stand equal with men, here they are reduced to servants, preoccupied with raising children, making food and sewing clothes while men occupy the positions of chieftains, priests, warriors and hunters. These are the rules — but no rules can stop the fiery spirit burning in a true barbarian's heart. Amiri proved it by revolting against the miserable life her tribe has offered her, and becoming a fearsome warrior. Her triumph was rewarded with hatred, ridicule and, ultimately, an exile. She left her homeland and went to search for her destiny, never looking back.

远在北方的是深度冷冻的猛犸之王王国(Realm of the Mammoth Lords)——原始巨型动物和同样原始的游牧民族的家园。 居住在那里的人,甚至按照其他野蛮部落的眼光来衡量,都觉得野蛮未开化 —— 生活在这种恶劣的气候下的人,除了努力活下来一个念头,再别无奢求。 与男女平等的Numeria所不同的是,在这里,女人们沦为奴仆,专注于抚养孩子、制作食物和缝制衣服,而男性则占据酋长、牧师、战士和猎人的职位。 这些就是规则 —— 但没有规则可以阻止真正野蛮人的爆发! 阿米瑞通过反抗部落强加给她的悲惨生活证明了这一点,她成了一名无畏的战士,她的胜利遭致仇恨与嘲弄,最终被流放。 她离开家乡去寻找自己的命运,从未回头。

As a true barbarian, Amiri shuns heavy armor, rushing into battle armed with an enormous sword — a memento from her motherland — and her wild, unbridled rage. While her more fragile allies attack from afar with arrows and magic spells, she hurries to the frontline, with just one strategy in mind: do as much damage as possible, and beat the enemies to a pulp before they get a chance to do the same to her. "I'll survive. I always survive" is her motto, and so far it has never failed her.
