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骑马与砍杀2作弊码大全集 EA版骑砍2游戏秘籍一览






Ctrl + 鼠标左键 – 世界地图传送

Ctrl + H – 大治愈术

CTRL + Shift + H – 大治愈马术

Ctrl + F4 – 大昏迷术

Ctrl + X在库存界面按下可以获得1000钱
Ctrl + X在人物属性界面按下获得1000经验.
Ctrl + L在人物属性界面按下可以快速升级.
Ctrl + W在人物属性界面按下可以提高你掌握的所有武器的熟练程度。
Ctrl + X在队伍界面按下可以升级你选中的单位
Ctrl + T您需要在地图屏幕上进行编码,以便显示地图上的所有内容。请注意,代码不会显示藏身之处。
Ctrl + LMB你可以使用地图屏幕上的代码传送你的队伍。
Ctrl + LMBThis must be done during a battle to upgrade a unit.
Ctrl + HYou need to perform the combination during a battle in order to restore your HP.
Ctrl + Shift + HYou need to perform the combination during a battle in order to restore your horse’s HP.
Ctrl + F3You need to perform the combination during a battle in order to harm yourself.
Ctrl + Shift + F4You need to perform the combination during a battle in order to knock a random enemy out on the battlefield.
Ctrl + Alt + F4You need to perform the combination during a battle in order to knock all enemies out on the battlefield.
Ctrl + Shift + F4Enemies which are zoomed in are knocked out.
Ctrl + F5Performing the combination during battles will enable AI to control your character.
Ctrl + F6You can knock a single ally.
Ctrl + F9Use the combination to toggle slow motion on/off.

以上就是骑马与砍杀2作弊码大全集介绍,希望以上介绍能帮助玩家了解EA版骑砍2的游戏秘籍一览,更多《Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord》的资讯攻略请继续关注游戏之家单机游戏频道。